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What is ‘Flicker’ in Red Light Therapy Panels?

Have you ever browsed red light therapy panels and noticed many models - including ours - advertising them as ‘flicker-free’?

If you're a first-time buyer and confused about these claims, the lingo, or why it’s so important to have them eliminated in red light therapy (RLT) devices, we're here to help you.

This article will address the harmful effects of ‘flickering’ and explore the science behind why it happens in your RLT devices.

Defining Flicker

In simpler terms, an electrical flicker means a light source rapidly fluctuating in brightness.

This commonly happens to candles, old light bulbs, and modern light sources, but we don’t tend to notice this as it is nearly invisible to the human eye.

While you may not see a flicker, as it's above our visual perception (<60Hz), a camera may be able to pick it up if the frame rate of the video is in sync with the flickering.

Why Device Flickering Happens

This flickering issue can be due to a faulty LED bulb, but mainly happens because of the fluctuating voltage of your device’s power supply. With this in mind, we have to take note of two electrical currents: direct current (DC) and alternative current (AC).

Direct currents are the main supply for low-voltage devices, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Alternative current, however, is the most widely used electrical current in the USA, as it's far more efficient to transmit over long distances and periods of use, in conserving electrical output over resistance by alternating to a higher voltage output. Plus, it’s easier to transform into different voltage levels.

Unlike incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, most LEDs are built with a type of lighting called Solid State Lighting (SSL) technology, which rapidly converts electrical currents into light. 

Now, since your RLT device is DC-powered and your wall sockets supply AC, this will cause some flickering in the device. 

This happens because a device called a power adapter/driver converts AC power into DC power, and these flickers are the result of this conversion. However, when low-quality adaptors are used on red light therapy panels, they still allow some flickering to happen.

Recent LED technology advancements have made these safer and perform without excreting concerning amounts of flicker. These innovations are present in our products and emit virtually zero flickers, helping mitigate any incidence of headaches, migraines, eyestrains, seizures, or mood disorders.

Should We Be Concerned With Flicker?

Based on available evidence, yes. According to a 2017 study, flickering LED lights have been associated with adverse physiological effects such as headaches, eyestrain, fatigue, and discomfort.

However, we might not notice this, as flicker is an often invisible threat. We can usually spot instances of flicker if we are constantly doing small, but rapid eye movements called Saccades.

This phenomenon happens because our brain is working hard to process information while keeping our vision focused. Saccades help us notice invisible flickers as they commonly happen when we are under them.

However, this phenomenon affects everyone differently, as we are inherently unique on a biological level. With that said, the side effects heavily depend on a person's sensitivity to flickering.

Enjoy A Safer Experience With ROJO Light Therapy

Not only does a flicker-free device prevent you from acquiring a slew of adverse health effects, but is also a definitive sign that your chosen red light therapy provider cares about your health by incorporating flicker-free technology in their devices.

At Rojo Light Therapy, we are truly invested in your path to better health and wellness, and we ensure your success by pairing Flicker-free technology with Low-EMF/ELF features in our red light therapy panels.

Contact us today for inquiries, recommendations, or to compare brands so you’ll have an easier time deciding which is the best device for you.

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Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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