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Can Red Light Therapy at Home Help Maintain Hormonal Balance?

From mood to sleep and everything in between, the role of hormones is crucial. These messenger chemicals coordinate different bodily functions and send signals to different organs, telling them what to do and when to do it. Simply put, they’re essential for your overall health. However, when hormones fall into disarray, they can cause chaos in the body, doing more harm than good. 

The good news is that there are plenty of innovative methods to get hormones back on track. One of the emerging methods gaining attention today is red light therapy at home. Using low-level wavelengths of light, this treatment offers aid in treating a variety of health issues including skin problems, insomnia, and hormonal issues. In today’s blog, the team at ROJO Light Therapy will explore how this non-invasive therapy can improve hormonal health. 

Understanding the Importance of Hormonal Health

Hormones are created in the endocrine glands and move around the body through the bloodstream. They are responsible for various bodily processes including metabolism, homeostasis, sexual function, sleep and wake cycle, and mood. 

When even the slightest hormonal change occurs, it results in an imbalance that affects insulin levels, growth hormones, steroids, and adrenaline in both males and females. The most common symptoms of typical hormonal conditions include sudden weight gain or weight loss, constipation, fatigue, anxiety, muscle weakness, joint pain, and anxiety. These symptoms can vary, however, depending on the person’s gender and which gland is affected. Males commonly experience testosterone imbalances, while women experience disproportionate estrogen and progesterone levels.

How Can Red Light Therapy at Home Enhance Hormonal Health?

The primary source of the hormonal benefits of red light therapy comes from its ability to stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary fuel for cellular activity. This increased production of ATP bolsters the production and regulation of hormones. Let’s take a closer look at how this affects certain bodily functions and systems below.

  1. Improved Thyroid Function

The thyroid is one of several glands that make up the endocrine system. A disruption of its proper function hinders the body from producing hormones related to sexuality, feeling well, fertility, kidney function, and growth and development. Recent research has shown that red light therapy can help prevent or mitigate these issues by improving general thyroid function. For instance, a few studies have found that the treatment can help thyroid disease patients reduce or eliminate the need for levothyroxine, a common thyroid medication. 

  1. Increased Melatonin Production for Better Sleep

Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance - a lack of sleep induces an increase in cortisol levels, which interferes with this balance. One excellent way to help improve sleep and optimise the circadian rhythm is through red light therapy. 

Red light mimics the late afternoon sunlight, signaling the body that it’s time to wind down and research has shown this supports the sleep cycle. Further studies have also shown that red light therapy helps increase melatonin, the body’s natural sleep hormone, which can improve sleep quality. 

  1. Increased Estrogen and Testosterone

Estrogen and testosterone are essential hormones for female and male reproductive health. They also play a key role in maintaining bone density, building muscle mass, and protecting the heart. While current data is limited, red light therapy has shown promise in increasing both hormones. 

One study shows that red light therapy increased dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, which is crucial to progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone production. This chemical also helps maintain progesterone levels in non-ovulating women, allowing them to feel and perform better even without that “cycle high.” Another small study found success in elevating testosterone levels in rats with the use of red light therapy, however, the mechanism behind it remains unclear. 

Key Takeaway

By increasing ATP production, red light therapy stimulates an increase in certain hormones including thyroid hormones, estrogen, and testosterone. Maintaining optimal levels of these hormones boosts overall health in various ways and helps mitigate risks against certain conditions such as hypothyroidism. 

If you’re looking to boost your hormonal health, red light therapy is a safe and effective treatment worth considering. However, it’s important to note that it is only a complementary therapy and not meant to replace medical treatments for hormone-related medical conditions.

To start your at home red light therapy journey today, explore our various red light therapy at home products at ROJO Light Therapy. We offer the highest quality devices that provide real results. For more questions or inquiries, contact us today!

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Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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