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Possible Contraindications for Red Light Therapy at Home

Red light therapy can be a powerful solution for promoting overall well being. However, like any treatment, it is not suitable for everybody - although there have been very few adverse reactions on record for red light therapy(RLT) at home, it’s still best to err on the side of caution. Explore the possible contraindications of this treatment in this article, with the team at ROJO Light Therapy!

Understanding the Risks: When to Avoid Red Light Therapy at Home

Red light and near infrared light don’t contain the harmful qualities that other stronger light waves, such as ultraviolet (UV), contain. There are still, however, a few potential hazards that should be considered.

Red light and near-infrared light are free from the harmful properties found in more intense light waves such as ultraviolet (UV) light. However, there are still a few potential hazards that should be taken into consideration:

  • Heat: Understanding Thermal Effects in Red Light Therapy

As the body absorbs red or near-infrared light, the additional energy creates heat. While this slight increase in temperature is generally harmless, individuals with certain medical conditions may be sensitive or react adversely to this additional warmth.  In some cases, this extra heat may be inadvisable.

  • Light Sensitivity:  Identifying Who Is at Risk with Red Light Therapy

Although red light is significantly milder compared to blue or UV light, it can still cause sensitivity in certain individuals. Specific body parts may react differently to red light exposure.

  • Tissue stimulation: When Red Light Therapy Might Not Help

Not all body tissues benefit from red light therapy (RLT) stimulation. This is particularly true for individuals with underlying health issues, where RLT might not be beneficial and could potentially exacerbate certain conditions.

Absolute Contraindications for Red Light Therapy at Home

While regulatory bodies have not provided an absolute list of absolute contraindications for RLT, the following factors are derived from the growing body of research surrounding the treatment. 

Malignant Cancers

Those with actively growing cancers should avoid RLT. One of the functions of this treatment in wound healing is cell proliferation. Theoretically, encouraging this in those with malignant cancers can speed the growth or spread of cancerous cells. 

Some studies suggest that RLT can actually be a positive addition to cancer treatments, while others suggest that it can be safely used on tissues that contain cancer. However, many remain inconclusive or are still in clinical trial stages.

To completely be on the safe side, no cancer patient should use the treatment without permission from their oncologist.

Individuals with actively growing cancers are advised to avoid RLT. The therapy’s role in promoting cell proliferation - while beneficial for wound healing - could theoretically accelerate the growth or spread of cancer cells. Some studies, however, suggest that RLT can be a beneficial addition to cancer treatments. Additionally, research published in the National Institutes of Health indicates that RLT can be used safely on tissues affected by cancer, though these findings are not definitive and many studies are still ongoing. To ensure safety, cancer patients should only use RLT with explicit approval from their oncologist.


All light sources have something called “flicker,” a quick on and off that might not even be visible. Despite that, it can cause a rapid fluctuation in the intensity of light, which can potentially trigger a seizure for epileptic persons.

All light sources exhibit a flicker effect, a rapid switching on and off that might be imperceptible but can trigger seizures in individuals with epilepsy due to sudden fluctuations in light intensity.

Hyperthyroidism (Neck and Chest only)

When used over the neck and chest area, the effects of RLT will reach the thyroid. This can possibly worsen the symptoms caused by an already overactive thyroid.

Recent Burns

Burns retain heat for some time after injury. Applying RLT too soon after such injuries can increase tissue temperatures further and worsen damage. It is advisable to delay RLT for at least 24 to 48 hours post-burn, or until cleared by a treating physician.

Pregnancy (Abdomen only)

The development process during pregnancy is highly sensitive, and the impact of RLT on fetal development is not fully understood. Although current research suggests no adverse effects on pregnancy, it is recommended that expecting mothers avoid RLT on the abdomen.

Eye Disease

While studies have shown that RLT can offer benefits for eye health, it is important to note that most of this research has been conducted on healthy eyes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology points out that deep red light therapy is not an approved treatment for eye conditions and warns against using it as a home remedy for eye health issues. There is limited research on the effects of RLT on individuals with pre-existing eye conditions, which may potentially put them at risk. For those with existing eye diseases, it is crucial to consult with healthcare professionals before considering RLT.

Light Sensitivity

Rare conditions involving light sensitivity, such as solar ulticaria, can cause allergic reactions when the skin is exposed to intense light of a certain wavelength, regardless of the source. In this regard, it’s advisable for people who have experience any kind of light sensitivity to consult their healthcare provider before engaging in any red light treatments.

Relative Contraindications for Red Light Therapy

With relative contraindications, the benefits are unlikely to outweigh the risks hence it’s generally recommended for people who have them to avoid the treatment. 

Severe Bleeding or Blood Loss

RLT may slow down the body’s natural ability to stop bleeding. While the effect may be small, it’s an important consideration when the person has just suffered from blood loss. The research in this area is also still ongoing, so while there are no ultimate results indicating the safe use of RLT in such cases, it’s best to avoid it.

Use of Photosensitising Medications

Some medications can increase your sensitivity to light. When used in conjunction with red light therapy, the skin can become irritated or develop rashes.

Enjoy a Safe Red Light Therapy at Home Experience with ROJO Light Therapy

At ROJO Light Therapy, we are committed to ensuring your safety as you enjoy the health benefits of red light therapy. All our products are tested and certified to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. 

If you’re looking for high-quality, safe, and effective red light therapy solutions, explore our specially curated collection. Our Low-EMF/ELF and Flicker-Free RLT devices are designed with your health and safety in mind. To view our full range of products and learn more about their benefits, please visit our product page. We’re dedicated to assisting you in achieving a safe and effective red light therapy experience. Should you have any questions or need further information about our products, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!

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Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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